
I plan to say stuff here.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cooking Cajun

I will be cooking Cajun tonight. I thought I knew what good Cajun food was until I went to New Orleans. Now I know that the shrimp covered in green chili sauce is not etouffee. Upon my return to the forgotten time zone, I realized there wasn't a whole lot of Cajun for us to eat, so I learned to cook it as I am prone when local restaurants can't give me what I need. One the problems with the forgotten time zone is the total lack of culture. Ethnic cuisine and unique stores typically don't do well around here. If you're not opening a steak house, you might as well call it quits before starting. I like my time zone, but sometimes I wish we had a little more influx of some culture. Art, food, or something. One of my favorite teaches back in the day said this area was just too white.


Anonymous said...

sweet jesus my fucking eyeballs are bleeding from reading this font color on the exact same background color.

A pox on thee!