
I plan to say stuff here.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wine Glass Ends like Lemming

The Silver Oak wine glass threw itself off the counter and shattered into a million pieces. The number of nights boxed wine was put into it became too much for it to bear. I think more than anything, this signified the change that needed to come at this point my life. Me in the telecommunications industry as a corporate lackey was really 1000 miles from where I thought I would be. I just got into until I found my next bartending gig. Then 8 and a half years, 2 promotions, a poorly done merger later, I am in some tool’s office listening to him tell me I suck at what I do. Good times. I was almost sad I was being put on probation instead of being fired outright.
I quit the next day. All drama and politics aside, I never wanted to be there. All that happened was I found myself in some bizarre money trap, promoted beyond my qualifications and having allowed my lifestyle to grow to match the income. I even let the wife quit to stay home with children. I couldn’t move up, sideways or out I was trapped.
And now I’m screwed.
Job hunting as I remember it is thankless work. You work all day for no money and stop at the end of the day feeling like you accomplished nothing. This is usually true. The job market, at least here in TFTZ, is really pretty bad. The internet is a wonderful tool that can now allow you to apply for job from the comfort of you own home and be turned down automatically, based on a few key areas. The one we will focus on today is the college requirement.
A lot of job postings these days say 4 year degree or equivalent work experience. When you fill out the applications, you breakdown your work history and then are faced with the education section. High School only. I appreciate the ones that list “some college”. It makes me feel better about myself, although I am sure those never make it into the “yes” pile either. So automatically, looking for management work, some pivot table can file my resume into the “no” pile without even making the hiring managers squirm as the turn you down over the phone.
As is stands, I am losing interviews to people with zero experience, but perhaps have a 4 four year degree from the local community college in basket weaving. So here I sit, entering the start of month 3 of no work/income. Living a giant catch 22, as applying for jobs that I “qualify” for, but once I put my last or desire salary down, I am ruled out. I can’t even get a call back on an entry level job anywhere. Ironic that now can’t get the job of the same level employee I used to manage.